SEND Documents
SEND Documents
What is Prevent? Prevent is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism – in all its forms. Overseen by the Home Office, the strategy is delivered by local authorities, working alongside a wide range of government departments and community organisations.… Continue reading Prevent for Schools, Colleges and Childcare Providers Service
Introduction The Business Intelligence (BI) Service at LBHF Council consists of a wide range of experienced analysts who deliver statutory and bespoke analytical solutions across the Council and for Schools. Using the latest technology, the service brings together a wide range of data sources for reporting to funders and to identify patterns, trends and performance… Continue reading Business Intelligence School Offer
Working with schools to deliver better outcomes Our rationale for offering the service Many of the behavioural issues that children exhibit can be a direct result of early life trauma and so managing this must involve a trauma-based approach, not just behaviour management. Our offer focuses on the provision of support for pastoral care, behavioural… Continue reading Early Help
Hammersmith & Fulham Early Years Service Introduction – We provide a range of services for families and early years practitioners who support children to thrive and develop, especially in the first five years. We offer: Support for families from pregnancy to a child’s fifth birthday Advice about childcare, free early learning, and services for young children and… Continue reading Early Years Service
Introduction With a key inspection focus on the quality of the curriculum the scope of peer reviews is being extended to include senior leaders and middle leaders with a focus on one theme that the school identifies as a strength. Themes may be taken but not exclusively from this list: Education recovery curriculum Wider curriculum… Continue reading Headteacher Performance Management
We have launched a new Governor Services support for schools led by our experienced Strategic Schools Governance Lead. Effective school governance is fundamental in providing strategic direction, oversight and assurance for the school community, its performance and impacts on the outcomes for our children and young people. Good governance has become more complex and has… Continue reading Governor Support Line
The award-winning Tri-borough Music Hub (TBMH) is the lead organisation that oversees the delivery of music education in three West London boroughs – the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham; the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea; and City of Westminster – working with schools, pupils, the workforce and the community. Through an agreed shared-services model, it… Continue reading Tri-borough Music Hub
Introduction Educational Psychologists (EPs) are available to schools and partner organisations via the H&F Educational Psychology Service. Educational Psychologists have expertise in: Education and learning across multiple contexts, including nurseries, schools and colleges. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Child development from 0-25 Well-being/mental health of children and young people, including behaviour and social and… Continue reading Educational Psychology Service
Introduction “inventive games, achievable daily goals with regular feedback and suggestions…nothing beats the input from a dedicated teacher who knows and understands our child’s individual needs…” Primary School, parent The SDLNS Service is part of Inspire (Inclusion and specialist intervention outreach service) in Hammersmith and Fulham. The SDLNSS teachers all have higher level qualifications in… Continue reading Specialist Dyslexia, Literacy & Numeracy Support Services